I haven't been drawing for... well, let's just say, a very long time,... as I was busy with university and exams. Now that those are over I'm happy to try something new!
This is rather a simple drawing I did just for a practice. You may find a video tutorial
here by
loveofcode. Even though it's not shown how to create the leaves, that is actually very easy! I just followed similar steps as shown in the video when creating the flower petals.
When applying
Transform ->
Warp I tried to create the elongated rather than round shape... Then I colorized the leaves (
Blending Options -> Color Overlay), applied a texture (
Blending Options -> Pattern Overlay) and increased saturation (
Image -> Adjustments -> Hue/Saturation). There is still a lot that could be done, but maybe that will be my next project... ^-^
(Click on the picture to enlarge)